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Welcome to Deep Thought Games

Deep Thought Games is a company specializing in the production of niche board games that lack a sufficient market for traditional game publishing methods. We print each game on demand, and are therefore able to offer different options for each individual game. This allows a customer who is willing to do some of the work putting the game together to save money, while still making fully ready to play games available for the rest.

Since this process is rather labor-intensive, this means the price is a bit higher than equivalent commercially published games (but still rather reasonable) and that we can only ship 5-10 orders per week. This also has some implications for the construction methods used -- the details are under the Games section if you want to see exactly how we produce the games.

Currently all of our games are 18xx games (the series of train games inspired by Francis Tresham's 1829), but our production methods are suitable to many other low-volume games as well. If you are a designer wanting to have such a game published, whether 18xx or not, please see the Designers section for more details.

We have two Google Groups:

  • dtg-announce - Announcements of new games, very low traffic
  • dtg-proto - Discussion of prototypes of upcoming games
Prototype materials may be downloaded from -- such downloads are for personal use only and may not be redistributed in any form. If you download prototype materials, please post feedback on the dtg-proto group.